Doing figure 8 action continuously.
It's important to create time - connected actions, sudden actions.
- 2: RF back, basic Latin back step.
- Different from Rumba, tighten up weight transfer, body/spine more fwd, do not put all the weight on back foot, no time to get back.
- LF is on ball of foot, proping body. there is quite a bit weight on front foot. It is ok that back heel doesn't come all the way down (to steal time).
- Still, twist R hip at the end, it still creates big action.
- 3: LF replace
- 4: RF to side, slightly fwd. Chasse is very tight, directly under shoulder. Use side step Latin technique.
- Spine moves just slightly diagonally fwd (this is simultaneous with previous step when L hip twist). Still doing figure 8 action.
- No rib cage displacement.
- &: LF closes to RF (sudden sharp action), on the ball of LF, not ball flat. Work L hip diagonally fwd (which increases circumference when it twists, it produces more power).
- 1: Twisting L hip (powerful), make sure L shoulder doesn't come up (body height doesn't change), shoulder down, compress.
- Twist creates internal space, RF to side
- as you transfer weight, hip comes underneath the body. Don't do step, then hip, which is disconnected. Do connected actions.
- Also, for basic actions, there is no rib cage displacement, just move the whole spine over to RF, don't put R hip over foot, while rib cage goes to left. (Advanced dancer may explore rib cage displacement for effects.)
- 2: LF directly go fwd, where it needs to go (steal time). Don't close LF to RF first and then out fwd. Go directly fwd.
- LF turned out. Compression, flat foot, Pendulum action,L hip pulls knee underneath. Check happens on "&".
- Cha Cha has quick sharp check action. (Rumba has soft check action.)
- 3: R hip is diagonally fwd (yes, fwd, it's going to go to side step.) (Previous quick check created time, use the extra time to show the hip action.)
- 4&1: side slightly back. Chasse action.
Make sure adding dynamic doesn't change the basic core fundamentals (like body alignment).
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